Monday, September 12, 2016


Kismet/Destiny! You know how I understand this? That it stands for choices! Every experience we have is based on a choice- sometimes a single one or other times perhaps a series of good or bad ones….all of it guiding us down the path we land up following.

At least that’s half the definition of that word and concept I believe. The other half is related to instinctively knowing that there is a greater force guiding us- (i.e. -God or Universe or Karma or - however we understand the concept. & BTW- it’s a great thing- when we get it…this concept! Trust me! Over the years I’ve gone through the full spectrum of faith- doubt-faith (cycle) and then now to absolute faith beyond question}.

- This greater force is much like a motherboard in a microcomputer! Imagine if we were all distinct programs inside this motherboard responsible for various functions….and much like at work we are trusted to go do our thing….but the motherboard already is set up to know what to expect from each of us- what paths we will probably choose to ensure everything operates smoothly….and obviously absolutely no function, big or small, is insignificant to the operation….and what’s more…each one of us is actually even critical to it.

Take that a step further- and imagine that naturally the motherboard is also designed to anticipate where there will be glitches and prepares to help us reroute when we’ve gone off track- broken, stuck etc..….so it catches anything potentially causing a disturbance in the delicate balance….of the universe….oh yup….you probably already gathered that the motherboard=the universe here…of course!

Hmmm….digressing here but I never understood how some people who buy into the principles of physics…let’s say especially when it comes to laws around energy…..seem lost when translating the same ideas in context of the universe/motherboard. It’s like a math formula that’s so simple to some and yet baffles others sitting in the exact same classroom listening to the same teacher- Right!?  

Anyways….all this to say….that I had another huge realization on my path recently. It’s this understanding that every flaw, every mistake, every fall or potential regret in my past….suddenly just made sense….showing me that whether my choices had set me off on the right course or off the course….in the end I was still finally- carefully led right back to where I was always meant to be….to my home…..back to harmony….as per the goal of the motherboard all along. All the energy in my life it seems….no-matter…where, when or how it detoured… although it often left me scared or feeling alone or unhappy in my now distant past.….it turns out that it was all there to help guide me to where I was meant to me- right here and right now!

I had already learned about acceptance without regrets over the last couple of years and had come to peace with many things.….but now I actually have new found appreciation for every experience….and am left in utter and complete gratitude….as in I wouldn’t change a thing from my past….because I have finally landed exactly where I needed to be and it’s grander than I could have imagined!!

Ah! So….the lessons learned….include making the best choices….leaping without fear….and if you fail don’t panic….etc.….because the motherboard has your back….because it’s aim is total harmony of energies….of all our energies.

Kismet/Destiny= Not intended to control your path- but to help you back on it when you’re lost or have fallen off course….when you need it the most…but mostly to ensure safe landing regardless in the end!  

Monday, September 5, 2016

Everything is OK!!

WOW! This is my first post for 2016 and YIKES it is September already!! Where did it go!!?

I stepped away from the 'action'- which in my case is defined as being present and enjoying life to it's yes I kinda stopped doing that....but it's not as bleak as some may interpret that as!

Mainly I got engrossed and buried in the new job I started this time last year. Strangely enough no matter how exhausted I got- (from working endless long days....or overwhelmed with a re-org that shuffled me off into a new team so that I landed up going through three different bosses and teams within eight months between my old company and the new one.... and trust me change is never easy no-matter how crucial it may be to our paths and well-being.. .. which of course inevitably it always is  yeah.....oops...digressing...sorry..) - every step of the way I knew I was meant to be in that state.....exactly where and as I was and so I remained profoundly grateful for each and all of the experiences along the way....and stayed smiling... albeit they were rather fatigued looking smiles. Lol.

It was clear to me that it's OK to step away from all the 'fun' go with the flow....even when it's taking you in a different direction than you think you want to go sometimes.....much like the Tibetan saying that 'all paths will lead you up the mountain....(and that..)..there are no wrong paths'- right? So going with the flow felt right! Most loved ones seemed concerned that I was working too hard...or missing out on the adventures they'd become accustomed to watching me enjoy. I tried to reassure them that I was fine with it all. FAITH! I am so fortunate to have this in me innately....even and especially as a child....and with faith comes believing that everything is perfect as is too.

Hiking- my ultimate go to pass time-also had to stop....because of a foot injury refusing to heal properly. The kicker was that without hiking I got left behind by all my friends - who are all super naturally they kept hiking and I wasn't there and could no longer walk along with them....literally and figuratively- Go figure! This one I wasn't initially as comfortable with....but my soul sibling and best friend- Basak- explained- 'Anny- this is happening for a reason. The universe wants you to stop hiking and stop hanging out with all your is clearing your overbooked schedule- because it wants to force you to stop long enough to look inside and find something profound that you don't realize you are missing. You're too busy right now to let in whatever the universe is trying to add into your world so trust it.'- Yeah I am incredibly blessed to have someone so insightful and amazing as her alongside me sharing our paths in this lifetime. 

Through the year something inside me did shift....something ridiculously powerful and stubborn....old beliefs so deeply imbedded in me that I couldn't easily unlearn them....until the rushed silence of this year.....along with the help of couple of phenomenal friends (p.s. thank you Basak, Jason & Earla)- with saint like patience and devout well wishes for me- they helped me to see it....pushing me to acknowledge and let go of what no longer served my path or belonged in my story.

Yesterday I took an intro SUP-FLOYO class- which is yoga on a paddle-board. It was practiced on a gorgeous day and lake in a quiet cove. I felt like the universe embraced me lovingly when I closed my eyes and all of my being understood that everything is OK. I couldn't stop smiling. When I opened my eyes- I found a brilliant green dragonfly resting before me on my board. I was in awe as I remembered....dragonflies represent swift and sudden positive changes. I felt deeply blessed.

I feel compelled to close on this by sharing my Facebook status from today: 
I've never believed in far back as I can remember...even and especially as a child....and magic to me was always equally as tangible as science....and just as fascinating....and in the last couple of days everything I've ever believed is clearer than ever. Grateful!

Sending out much love and great vibes to all of you always. NAMASTE.