Social Media – I’m still in!
Mark Zuckerberg- in the news has created all kinds of ripple effects, raising controversial opinions around people’s choices to participate in or shun away from social media more than usual these days.
Mind-You - Facebook stopped being cool even before they made a movie to explain the birth of Facebook or even before people knew the founder’s name. In fact I joined it after it had lost its social coolness factor and that’s saying something as I’ve been on it forever already.
However it no longer stops at Facebook- all social media is in the spotlight now with the big questions of ‘Where’s the catch? What is it trying to get from me?’- All social media is uncool these days - but really- People! We need to get over the judgement around other people’s choices - ‘to be or not to be’ – on social media!!
Facts are that there have always been people who prefer not to share too much of themselves for whatever personal preferences. Then there are people who need to connect via whatever means available.
Try asking an immigrant about it. They may explain that it beats finding the time and resources to reach out to family and friends across the globe, between challenges of time differences and fast paced lives that gets in the way, the bonds eventually thin out and disappear over time. That 'out of sight and out of mind' saying can quickly become your sad story if you can’t keep up with loved ones.
Believe me! I’ve been there and done that. I moved away from my birth country decades before the www- inter-webs came to my rescue – so much later in life - yet better late than never.
So I’ve listened to conflicting opinions and even watched a detailed documentary from the social media naysayers. Sure- they made their compelling arguments with plenty of background sound tracks to ensure the words were instilling just the right amount of inexplicable distrust and fear on the topic- leaving you with a myriad of doomed what-if’s at the end.
They even managed to gather the rare experiences of people whose innocent Instagram posts were hacked into and misinterpreted maybe - by some bored FBI agent, who maybe made the decision to drop the donut and go on a diet and simultaneously went on a mission to discover a terrorist one particular quiet afternoon but instead - found himself to his horror- become an unpleasant and unwelcome visitor -on someone's doorstep - accusing some nine year old upper middle class white kid of attacks against the white house, to the astonishment of his Hollywood picture perfect Caucasian parents; or other equivalent types of entertaining stories.
I have to say in my case the only danger I’ve faced with social media, is that when I’m browsing through Facebook, ads pop-up from my previous browsing history, distracting me and tempting me into buying something because now somehow that item I was checking out recently has just conveniently gone on sale. I’m a sucker! What can I say! But I don’t mind.
Then again in all seriousness it helps that I live in a country where we believe in the freedom of expression. Yet I get it - Corruption can exist anywhere a human can; And of course the more transparent we are, the more we leave ourselves vulnerable and that’s been true regardless of time, place, culture or social media.
I know! I grew up hearing ‘what would people say’ as a reason from my mother for justifying just about everything- from what not to wear, to what to think, what to do, what to buy, or where or who to hang out with, and even who to marry or not- so trust me when I say it’s always been this way- even before social media. Even as a child I wanted to just yell back- ‘but everyone is too self-absorbed to worry about my decisions anyway.’
I was a smart kid! As a grown-up I now actually understand this as the truth - we all have our own respective issues to work through and that takes up most of our time and energy, than to worry about everyone else’s choices!
So yes- social media opens us up to scrutiny and maybe even danger. After all the reach online is just broader. There can be no secrets once shared in the open space. Then again- if you stepped into a public forum and screamed out any random beliefs or statements- that can also result in misinterpretations and will also have consequences right? So no brainer- to watch our P’s and Q’s more so with the broader audience.
D’OH as says Holmer!
Obviously I’m not arguing that there is a balance to walk here, but before bringing on the judgements or forcing your opinions on others’ choices- be curious enough to ask why some of us feel that the risks are outweighed by what we get in return from it all?
Maybe someone is using social media to draw the spotlight on an issue, or maybe someone is using it to create their tribes or maybe people are just using it to share moments in real-time with loved ones far and near- no agenda one way or another.
I’m sure you’ll find a multitude of reasons depending on who you ask- on what needs it fulfils for them.
Regardless we live in a fast paced, rushed state of being these days and it’s an individual’s prerogative to connect in whatever way that suits them best.
Equally respect those who opt out of social media – after all every choice has purpose.
Live & Let Live!
Peace, Love & Harmony ☮️
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