I believe that every individual should take time at the end
of a year to perform reflection rituals to honor past experiences,
achievements and lessons learned over the previous annual cycle. I like to
imagine myself waving bye to the previous year with tears and smiles as if I’m
about to cross over a threshold at an airport check-in station, excitedly also preparing
to embark on a new adventurous journey ahead…..I am filled with hope and a
sense of ‘anything is possible’ wonderment about where we’re heading next even
as I sense tremendous gratitude and peace about where we've been already and perhaps
sadness too for what we may be unknowingly leaving behind also.
Happy Son in Dubai! PEACE!!! <3 |
I am convinced over the last few years that each year gets
even better than the one prior! There is greater enlightenment awaiting us with
every step! 2014 is no exception! It wasn't all smiles and laughs by any means….yet
every experience was profound and I always knew that I was fittingly exactly
where I was meant to be every step of the way.
Key experiences and lessons this year included acceptance of
what is…..from the pain of seeing loved ones suffer from aging and sickness ….to
…seeing a soul family inspiration-ally cope in extraordinary ways united in
dealing with difficult stages of life,….to learning to let go of what was not
meant to be,…to seeing the miraculous healing powers of forgiveness,….to experiencing
continuous amazing transitions….. personally from my move to a new home, a new
town and mostly from watching my son find peace and blossom at his new school
especially after struggling for so many years with his parents’ separation/divorce.
One universal message remained unwaivering in my psyche…..the knowledge that we
are never alone and that love envelops us…..always gently smiling and welcoming
us to tune in!
How does one share an entire year in pictures! So many fabulous memories to choose from that I am incredibly grateful for! Here are some random ones (not necessarily in chronological order for the year) I will treasure forever from my life in 2014!
Thanks for
sharing this amazing life journey together!!! XOXO
Although 2014 didn't leave time enough for us to walk the same continent together I continue to be eternally grateful for my soul-mate sister who is always right beside me every step of the way through all our laughs, tears and 'AHA!' moments! |
First Car Camping Trip- March 2014 |
Another long awaited family reunion in Dubai |
A continuously expanding soul family = Several Heart Warming & Fun Gatherings-=Thank Goodness!! |
Family Day at the pool- Dubai |
First visit to MEXICO!!! YAY!!! |
Jumping Into & Swimming in Cenotes! More bucket list items down!!! |
Finding a new friend and soul sister to share new adventures with @ Chichen Itza!! <3 |
Grateful to my soul family for celebrating another birthday with me and making it extra special |
Pure Love, Pure Bliss-=More Family to love!!! |
More celebrations on and off the trails :-)
Hike & Meditation with great friends = Best 4th of July Ever!!! |
Thankful for spending more time with this lovely soul sister! |
Best office Party Ever!! 1920's Themed at National Building Museum in D.C!! |
Thanksgiving with Soul Family is becoming a fabulous tradition! <3 |
A Magical Morning in November on the most spiritual lake I know!! |
There were many amazing experiences in nature -countless gorgeous hikes, jumping into surreal cenotes in the Mexican jungles, swimming in the oceans bordering Mexico, Dubai or even locally etc..there were indeed many adventures along the way....- all year long......and thank goodness there were many new bonds of friendship created and older bonds of friendship strengthened....every step of the way.....leaving incredibly priceless memories to treasure for life!!
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