Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Healing Affirmations!

We all know that the right affirmations can be freeing and healing in incredibly magical ways so I try to practice it regularly.

Gratitude Affirmations! Those are my go-to ones and my list is endless! Thank Goodness!! No pun intended but you see the pattern-right? Lol! Whether I credit it to my nature or nurture it’s somehow always there….perhaps it’s because my life experiences as a female began in India and then the Middle East before migrating off to the US in my late teens….so I don’t take much for granted….whether being able to go out of the house without covering up head to toe, or having a career, or driving, or being able to say what I’m thinking, or even having the right to hold on to my beliefs...(let aside the many billions of other blessings that we experience with every breath every day).

However I recently stumbled upon an entirely new category of affirmations which overnight lifted a veil of darkness and pain inside me that I wasn't even aware of holding on to. Naturally I feel inspired to add this to my blog to share with everyone!  Perhaps everyone should try it!!!? These are- Forgiveness Affirmations!!

It happened a few nights ago as I was going through a random habitual gratitude list in preparation of hopefully falling into a deep slumber…when a brilliant thought snuck in somehow that I should create a forgiveness affirmations list….and even as I thought this I was telling myself that I have no one to forgive…no one I am holding grudges against….but an inner deeper voice pushed further by saying ‘but if I had people to forgive who would I forgive and why’ so I went with it. I started with ‘I forgive.…( A)… for (something)… and I wish (him/her) the best of everything sincerely deeply always’….and to my horror there was indeed a list!!! _ And worse!! My heart could barely create a sincere wish for these people on my covert list. So I tried to say it aloud to hear myself repeat the thought and OMG! Horror of horrors! I was almost choking over the sentences….making me realize that I was indeed still harboring residual anger, pain and issues around a few individuals from my past. Who knew!!! So I worked on it…repeating the affirmations softly aloud to myself over and over until it sounded natural and felt completely sincere. I finally fell into a deep restful sleep for the night.

Voila! The next morning as I was driving to work it dawned on me that I felt happier and freer than imaginable! My energy had shifted in some incredibly powerful way! As if there was an entire river inside me that was blocked and suddenly was blissfully rushing off to join the ocean. I felt almost elated! Incredible!!! Something so simple and TaDA!! Profound healing!!

So-is it possible that you too have wounds so deeply forgotten scaring your soul and holding you back in ways you didn’t even know? See- I believe that we all process experiences in very similar ways (remember my 'rainbow spectrum of emotions' analogy from a previous post?)…..and more importantly I believe that we can learn from each other….so I share hoping this helps someone else find their bliss with a simple exercise like practicing forgiveness or gratitude affirmations….or perhaps creating a whole new category….anything....just as long as it swiftly delivers for you too peace, happiness and healing! 

(& Yes- I did take these pictures of Lake Drummond...recently in November 2014. :-)

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