HONORING 2020 - (Even if it's a year too late in entry on the blog)
It seems appropriate that 2020 and 2021 be stacked together and honored like twins, right?
The two years of quarantines and pandemics and new variants of Covid! WOW! Who could have seen all this coming? Other than Bill Gates and where-ever and whom-ever scientists that he gathers his data from, I suppose.
2020's Agenda & Us!
Because sometimes you have an agenda and other times an agenda has you!
Ironically- rewind back to December 2019- when my son convinced us to watch a documentary called- 'Explained' on Netflix, where we listened to Bill Gates' fascinating theories and predictions about how the question wasn't 'if' there was going to be a world-wide pandemic but really 'when'.
Little did we know how appropriate it was to watch that documentary when we did! But of course, in the following weeks we forgot all about it as life got busy quickly as it usually does.
In January 2020- I started a new job with a fantastic philanthropic company that aligned perfectly with my world-view and I was surrounded with colleagues and leaders who are both smart and kind. So- things were looking up!
March 2020- Quarantine happened! For the first time ever the world shut down. We figured it may be a day or two, a week....or two..., a month....or two, and so on- as we held our breath collectively- with the whole world- waiting day to day.
Travel was banned. Restaurants were closed. And I worked on accepting a new found anxiety- one that was a mix of gratitude, fear and guilt.
Gratitude- because I had been rushing to and from a job for my entire life, as far back as I could remember since my teen years and here for the first time ever- it stopped. I got to spend quality time at home with my husband and son. We talked, we played board games, we watched TV shows, we bonded- and it all seemed quite surreal.
Fear- because of all the uncertainty- of course.
Guilt- because I was also enjoying time with my family, not having to commute through rush hour traffic daily and I couldn't get over witnessing sunshine and daylight inside my rented condo. It baffled me how we lived our lives- so rushed and so not present day in and day out the way we always have- up to now.
2020 = Quality Family Time & Priceless Bonding Moments <3
May 2020- Black Lives Matter Movement eclipsed the pandemic- with the sudden murder of George Floyd- which followed with light being shed on one hate crime after another. Anxiety builds!
As the months followed we got restless and determined to escape. This to us meant that we needed to travel- quarantine or not! So we got creative! No air-travel- no problem! Instead we drove to different states- covering NC, TN and PA and played tourists responsibly with masks and social distancing.
AND the days became weeks, weeks became months and before we knew it- we were saying goodbye to 2020 and welcoming in 2021- still in quarantine!
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