I've known deep down throughout the year that this was indeed
the most phenomenal year of my life-2013! So what makes a year the best? It
seems only fair to reflect upon it and share it all with gratitude.
I remember in December of last year just before NYE someone
asked me what I was looking for and I blurted out impulsively, intuitively that
I wasn't sure but that ‘I want to matter…I want everything and everyone to
matter’ and then to my surprise I found myself bursting into tears (a novel
experience.…since I’d spent more than three decades forgetting how to let go
and to physically cry.…I had allowed myself over the years to go numb and to forget
what matters). In those last days of that year as I was walking away from 2012…(and
away from the darkness that I had allowed myself to be engulfed by and hide
inside of for so many years of my past).…I couldn't really comprehend those
words that came out of me so impromptu.….yet in retrospect I can see now how clearly
it set the precedence for the new year ahead.
2013 has been the year of reunions-of finding and rebuilding relationships
with friends and family- both of old and of new, it has been the year for pushing perceived
boundaries-both physical and mental, of letting go of fears,…of jumping into new
adventures, of unlearning old beliefs and ideas, of opening up my mind and
heart (first cautiously but then more boldly)…to see things in a new brighter
light….this has been the year of self-discovery and the beginning of finding
acceptance-of myself and of all around me. This is the year that I learned that
similar to the chicken and egg theories- us humans are incapable of loving
ourselves without loving others and loving others without loving ourselves;
LOVE is the secret….but not the Hollywood or Bollywood kind….But to fall in
love truly and completely with ourselves, with our lives, with all the people around
us and with all of the world…to begin to unleash the magic that surrounds us.
December 2012-when I look back at pictures from previous years I can see in
my eyes a shy soul peeking out from behind invisible curtains and in my posture…with
my shoulders caved inwards as if wanting to return to a fetal position (which
is no longer what I see in my pictures since-Thank Goodness!)….obviously at the
end of that year I was still quite unsure and distrustful of life-of everything
and everyone. Yet as I celebrated NYE 2013 I could feel already the
transformations within; I took a very deep breath with the final countdown as
if I already knew I was embarking on the most incredible journey yet…. like I
was being picked up by some massive powerful invisible wave…and I was not
afraid but excited and ready for it. This journey took me to places inside and
out of what I thought I knew (for knowledge and understanding are two very different
things)….to understand that there was meaning in where I’d been in the darkness before just as if something was also nudging me gently and strongly to open my
eyes to the blinding light….to finally see with my eyes still adjusting to this
brightness -the beauty that surrounds us all in our world-in our here and now.
I pray and wish that 2014 also shines brightly upon us-ALL- to guide us
continuously towards finding love and gratitude everyday-all around us!! Cheers
Everyone & Welcome 2014!!
Some Highlights of-A Journey....of reunions, new friends, new adventures...self-discovery and self-acceptance..........2013-In-Review:
JANUARY & FEBRUARY: REUNIONS-Visits to Dubai and to India to reconnect with my family and my dearest old friends....meeting some after over two decades since separation....
Catching up on all our missed years apart...with my soul siblings (whether blood related or not.)...learning that our bonds are timeless indeed.... |
....some reunions were after more than two decades since our last meeting...while some others were long over due by even three decades of heart felt separations.... |
....Then there were some that were coming into my life from scratch.....yet it felt like they were in my heart always......and this is perhaps due to the secret magical ingredients of family bonds...!! |
MARCH & APRIL: SELF-DISCOVERY-my journey continued with learning about meditation techniques, new ways to connect with my own thoughts and feelings and ways to push past my falsely perceived limits...physically, mentally and spiritually.....
My very first taste of rock climbing....love at first climb for sure.... |
Hiking it up a few notches....Yes indeed feeling a great sense of 'accomplishment' |
MAY: NEW BONDS-Finding new friends...seemingly from past lives....creating instant profound connections.....enriching experiences...all towards appreciating the here and now....
Little did we know! A match made in heaven this beautiful spring day! :-) |
MAY & JUNE: Continued with renewed spirt for....FIRST TIME NEWADVENTURES.....facing fears and living it up a bit....
An Intro to Obstacle Course... |
My first indoor climbing experience..... |
My first sky diving experience.... |
And with the encouragement of my friend who said 'Live Big or Go Home!'...my first kayaking/Whitewater Kayaking experience....took my trust in self and surroundings to a whole new level for sure..... |
My first night hike which included lots of rock scrambling...to watch sunrise from the summit of Old Rag Mountain......What a fantastic experience!
There were also adventures others got dragged to; making friends while camping.....
Finding quality time to appreciate a radiant smile from loved ones was part and parcel of 2013 too of course...naturally! |
JULY: STRENGTHENING BONDS-a visit from my dearest childhood best friend from across the globe....allowed us to continue to catch up on lost years and rebuild a perfect connection that should never have been forgotten or taken for granted in the first place.....
Time to build new memories together....naturally! :-) |
AUGUST & SEPTEMBER: But Of Course...the adventures got a bit more daring....
Spelunking....my bravest adventure yet!! Go figure!! YIPPY!! YIKES!! |
An Intro to pole dancing....great idea for an aerobic class for sure; but realized I have lost touch with my inner ape-gene-heritage....needed to focus on building upper body strength....like female Tarzan...you never know when you need it...perhaps to hold on to the edge of a cliff for dear life or for climbing a mountain or something.....yup.....office-desk-bound-life makes us forget how important strength and coordination is....a must to maintain!! |
And it was the year to take my hiking abilities up a notch...or two...ending at realizing I can do 20 miles easily enough...with a definite affinity for over 5000+ ft elevation hikes....loving this accomplishment!! |
OCTOBER & NOVEMBER: More adventures & More gratitude for life and for friends....
My first intense all day out-door rock climbing class.....loved it and walked away with bruises to brag with too!! <3 |
SURPRISE!! A second visit from my childhood soul sister from across the globe assured me further that this was no ordinary year or phase of my life....everything feels magical as the journey continues... |
My first adult Halloween Party...always wanted to go to one...so much fun!! & My Butterfly Costume...just stumbled upon me too....total serendipity for sure!! |
Grateful for a perfect birthday and honored to be in the company of such amazing friends.... |
First painting class with more fun new friends |
DECEMBER: FINDING PEACE...as the year was wrapping up I found myself feeling just a bit short on energy and inspiration...or so I thought...until I realized I was only taking some time for reflecting and coming to peace with some of the bigger questions in life...and learning to let go and accept things as they are....finding acceptance of self, world, life, passing of loved ones and of ALL that is...just as is!
Appreciating the significance of all that has come to pass....while understanding the importance of all that exists profoundly within it's own time and space-especially in the here and now!
Goodbye and Thank You 2013!!
WELCOME 2014!!!