So if I spent a good part of my journey in a spiritually cocooned phase then obviously the last five years have left me with much to catch up! 2015 took it up a few notches I'm thinking. :-/
So here's my reflection on gratitude always.
Apparently the first thing I felt compelled to do going into 2015 was to return to my roots...(only to realize it was not a single step but quite a process)....which took a few tries to balance out.
Yup! Was talking about my hair. :-p
But Hey! Aren't most things deeply connected though?
By end of year I have to believe this was symbolic. :-)
Yup! Was talking about my hair. :-p
But Hey! Aren't most things deeply connected though?
By end of year I have to believe this was symbolic. :-)
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Dec 2014... |
So my year started off with my fun routines...lots of great hikes and fabulous folks around me.
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Austin & Furnace & Black Rock Hike- Shenandoah National Park |
SNP in mid January |
Duncan Knob on a wet cold January day with sleet and rain. BRRR..... |
February arrived with endless promise. Heading into Valentine's week especially there was romance in the air everywhere seemingly....a close friend asked me to officiate their wedding.... I felt honored and overjoyed. Then someone cute asked me out on a date. Even an old significant flame from my past life reached out unexpectedly offering healing and closure for old wounds and scars.... a definite theme here....for the opening of the heart chakra.
Gem sighting- Shenandoah National Park |
But life would be boring without the twists and turns right? The just didn't feel quite right for me. That was totally cool. The big hit though was that my dear friend's wedding broke off under heart-breaking, unfortunate circumstances....and the romance in the air with it faded out.
Frozen waterfalls in Ricketts Glenn Park, PA |
As always life plows on though and the winds never blow in the same directions consistently....for better or for worse -Right? So March brought in a much needed soul-refreshing -long awaited- visit from my childhood best friend and soul sister from Turkey-after over a year apart. Basak is here!! YAY!
Together Again!! YAY!! <3 :-) |
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Soul Friends-Soul Family- Things are looking up again |
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Hanging with my son and my best friend- Life is Good! |
My little dude keeps growing faster than ever this year :-/ |
Grateful for the last big hikes I got to squeeze in into this month....because right about now my feet started to have all kinds of booboos and issues....which disheartened instead of resting it out a bit... I stubbornly ignored the pain and kept going.
15 very strenuous miles up- Three Ridges- in GWF ended with me limping in agony- but still was fun....mostly...? :-/ |
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Three Ridges- George Washington Forest |
Basak left to visit other friends across the US- but returned few weeks later....just in time to catch the lovely DC cherry blossoms before her return to Turkey.
There were a few more big aggressive hikes I pushed myself through ignoring the issues with my feet...Well...I learn eventually to listen to my body....but not yet....not that easily.
Squeezed in a hike at Great Falls MD side with Basak |
I < 3 Turtle Sightings |
Another memorial month for sure... from hiking in the Great Smokies of TN (which ROCKED! Even though it was saying goodbye to our precious soul family Sandy- who moved away to Montana- it was still a magical trip all around).
There was quality kid time with a day trip also with my son at Busch Gardens (no easy feat! This kid does not part easily from the desktop station at home!)...Overall the month was going great.
I made some new friends but noticed I was losing a couple of old ones moves, to drama and/or to misunderstandings along the way....which left me briefly saddened and confused... but it all works as it's meant to -doesn't it?....Happy now reflecting back to what has to change sometimes to balance out all that doesn't...especially in relationship terms...I believe nothing is truly ever lost anyways regardless.
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We miss our Sandy- She moved away to Montana |
The breathtaking views from the Great Smokies in TN ![]() |
Missing our soul sister Cristiana also! She too moved away in May from DC/MD off to Singapore. Wishing her all the best too XO |
Ah! June! Sharp turns and maybe even pit falls here.
The foot problems persisted but I stubbornly ignored it and continued hiking....until unfortunately my foot gave up on me and I landed up in a brace limping daily for most of the more hikes, or gym, or yoga...etc. etc.....BIG YIKES!...Sometimes life just requires you to halt- Like it or not! If you ignore the signs...Well...the options kinda start to run out I guess.
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My summer companion for nearly 4 months!!! Grrrr!!! |
Lesson learned yet?= Do not ignore pain stubbornly? = Pay attention when your body speaks! Yup! Starting to get that! :-/
This is the last hike just before I found myself in a foot brace for the summer- *Shrug* |
Was a fun hike though with precious soul family for sure- David, Ghani, Jojo, Lyndal, Shai-Lin- and some new folks :-) |
So June started off sunny...and thank goodness for the people in our lives who bring us warmth regardless of the seasons |
Then came the biggest hit of the year.. the grief from the loss of Basak's dad. For a bit- there was darkness in the middle of summer- but it lifted - as once again I was left in absolute awe of Basak and her family 's strength and grace even at this painful time.
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RIP Ates-We miss you <3 |
You see- another of my dear friends had lost their father earlier in April this year too- so it all started to weigh in heavy on my heart- It ached deeply from it's inability to protect loved ones from hurting...whether for the friend who was in mourning from the loss of a wedding/the broken promise of his stepping back helplessly watching my soul family in mourning also over the loss of their first greatest true life superheroes.
Loss and what matters
A difficult month all around! A close friend's home got hit by lightning and they lost everything they owned. They also however still inspired me in their perspectives as they focused in on their positive silver linings here too- that they and their sweet infant - Thank God- were unharmed....Blessings come in odd disguises after all. Then the aftermath- it was truly heartwarming to watch people coming together to help after.
Life is like this...never up nor down too long- but always profound!
The foot brace meant no more hiking...which then hiding from whatever hurt...I was now left with time on my hands unaccounted for...which meant there was a lot of new stuff to do! Putting aside childish play I tried to focus on some grown up stuff... plans for the future...goals for myself...etc.. had to start paying closer attention to the not-so-fun responsibilities of life...or more importantly to the heavier stuff that also matters- Know what I mean?
Life goes on- with renewed emphasis on all that truly matters in the end
I decided this month demanded for another reunion! The significant stuff -right?... I flew out to Montreal just for a day, for a happy hour, to reunite with my old soul friends, folks I miss tons and hadn't seen in over two years.
Sometimes there is just never enough it's best not to wait for the right time to do something, to see someone, or to go somewhere- You know? A one-day trip to Montreal and back from DC then sounded crazy to some but perfectly logical to me.
Hmmm...can't apply that everywhere though... if only...a trip to Turkey, India and Dubai...would be totally grand too to visit everyone I miss in my life...but more challenging to pull off. Oh well! We do what we can!
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Love and Miss these folks- in Montreal. <3 XO |
I spent 4th of July with my soul sister Jojo who was determined to see the fireworks in downtown DC...but after settling into the crowds with lawn chairs, drinks and snacks...we got drenched and blown around by a DC style crazy storm so we split and rushed back home, going off our separate ways, her off to VA and me off to MD...But hours later.. when the storm passed however we were crazy enough to regroup and return Arnold Schwarzenegger style- we were back downtown to make it happen! Determination! Lol!
Fireworks in downtown DC!? CHECK! YAY!
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Quality time with my precious birthday boy= Check <3 :-) |
I realized 'soul family' truly means forever! Most magical part of August was going to my ex-sister-in-law's 20th wedding renewal ceremony in Martha's Vineyard. I was there for the original one too. Life has a way of bringing us full circle in some moments....this was nostalgic and healing in profound ways. The ceremony was beautiful and it reminded me that love is in fact always around us....whether we choose to see it or is strong and it never leaves us.
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The 20th Wedding Vows Renewal Ceremony on a gorgeous day in Martha's Vineyard MA |
The month of transitions!!
Another big lesson I learned this month....(again... as in I should known this one already! Refreshers for the big ones!! Oh Well!! So- what happens when you allow people to keep disrespecting you?... Well it eventually catches up- is what!)= Stand up for what's right! Stand up for yourself and for matter how confrontational or uncomfortable it may feel. ..because you pay the price regardless, cheaper sooner or steeper later whenever those situations arise. It's a test! Take it! Pass it!!
Then the transition! So you see- I truly believe in signs and they started to build up this month. It was time for me to take a 'leap of faith'! I left behind my job- my DC mother-ship as I used to call it- to start a new one with a company that my heart was drawn to deeply. Changing jobs for some is no biggie, but for me =BIGGIE!!! It was the right move though and I'm so grateful for the change and the strength and magical forces -including the support of close friends and family- that helped me with this transition.
A goodbye happy hour for me with my old company soul family that no pictures can truly capture Heartfelt & Memorable Forever! Grateful! |
ANDI wish I had captured in pictures the new beginnings in September 2015.....My son had returned to a new year of school and I began at my new job at my new company |
Love one way or another is omni-present <3
Hiking with soul friend Ife |
Hiking with soul friend Sal
Halloween Day Butterfly!? <3 :-) |
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My Halloween Teddy Bear <3 XO |
Happy Halloween 2015!! |
A planned kayak trip to Dismal Swamp went dismal at the start of the month. The remainder of the month took on a slippery dismal turn theme after. In the weeks following everything around felt rather muggy....I was feeling very lost and frazzled....until I realized my most poignant lesson of the year- or perhaps- everything this year just was leading me to it- not just self-realization but- SELF ACCEPTANCE!
Important Lessons in 2015 Include: Do not forget previous lessons in life! When you're tested- always opt to take the test! The more you drag it all out, the more you will pay for the lessons....just like at school and at university... same in Real LIFE!
Time to reconnect with soul family and hiking trails again finally...SIGH! EXHALED ME! |
Grateful to all these amazing soul family friends for attending my birthday to celebrate another phenomenal year! |
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Our No-Cosby Thanksgiving tradition is richer than ever! 3rd year running strong! |
Thanksgiving hike with 60+ new friends and also the soul family old friends <3 |
Like a classy martini- I am left feeling totally shaken, stirred and rather precious and strong this month. Life is good! It's been an incredibly significant year all around with some big lessons, big loses and big wins- THANKS 2015!
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My precious soul sister Jojo moved away from DC to Boston this month! Miss her already. All the best Jojo! |
One of the most peaceful Decembers in decades! Definitely a year I finally learned to listen to....ME. Finally understanding how my childhood and past-life survival habits no longer serve me. Happy there's so much more to this journey. So much more growing left in me still.
If I began this year feeling the need to return to my roots, to look more natural....Well this year is ending with a pretty authentic version of me radiating- both humbled and proud ....and why not!
I accept that it's good to be just me!
On XMAS Eve I saw a rainbow around the moon. A 'moon halo' it's called.
How fitting for a year so poignant. Feeling blessed.
BTW- Recently somebody asked me 'Hey- Do you still hike?' and I answered 'I will hike till I die so the right question is how many miles can I still do these days!'
Hiking....Life....Connected...Everyone and Everything....Always CONNECTED! I believe!
Some years I hike further than others but I'm always moving forward....We are ALL always moving forward- Growing, learning, living (I pray always-) a life inspired!!
THANK YOU- 2015! WELCOME 2016!
Hiking at Tibet Knob in George Washington Forest on an unusually warm winter day with a bright, shinny, happy-go-lucky-soul friend- Ghani!
Thank You 2015! Welcome 2016! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!(Picture from the hike in the Smokies of TN) |