All of life is a sequence of moments…and it’s so important not
to be lost in yesterday or later today or even tomorrow but to be present here
and now. Definitely hasn’t been an easy concept for me to sit with really over the years….. my mind wants to wander from past memories to future fears to creating constant plans
or jumping into day dreams or to building brand new wishes…as if it would
prefer to escape anywhere other than where I am in any given moment…but one of
the benefits of time and age is actually learning to settle into the here and
now…maybe this comes from understanding that the past doesn’t serve us anymore
or that the unknown future is a fast train only to a mysterious end destination… like a roller
coaster ride you don’t want to close your eyes through -this journey is all
about slowing down to smell the roses and appreciating the details along the
way. Fortunately this is the best phase of my life yet so staying in the moment is becoming a wonderful habit these days. It’s summer! The sun is shining brighter every day and although theoretically
the days are longer it all seems to be rushing by too fast; All the more reason
for us to take advantage of our time and keep enjoying everything the season
has to offer.
Sharing some pictures from the past five to six weeks:
Elt sighting! YAY!! My first one @ Cedar Run Hike-Shenadoah National Park/ SNP! |
Blessed with finding quality new friends on the trails always….balancing act in harmony on top of Hawksbill Summit-Hike-SNP! |
Finding the perfect spot for lunch at end of a strenuous trail @ George Washington Forest/GWF-Fridley Gap Hike |
Hiking up Old Rag-Never gets old! |
Introducing my friend Jojo to the hiking bug; she was a natural luckily-@Old Rag-SNP Hike
July 4th Celebrations with yogi & hiker friends-Hike, Meditation & Winery-at Prince Williams Forest |
Catching up with old friends on the trails-Jeremy's & Overallrun Falls-SNP Hike |
Old Rag pictures always turn out the most fun :-D
Mushrooms on Fridley's Gap-GWF Hike (*Note to self for sharing*: Got to create a blog for my mushroom pictures' collection! They really do come in all sizes, colors and shapes….AMAZING!! LOVE LOVE LOVE NATURE!!!
************HAPPY REST OF SUMMER TO US ALL **********